Banana Strawberry Smoothie: en masse ~

We had a fun idea over the Summer of making smoothies in an assembly line type manner where they could be thawed and blended up when wanted! This was intended to reduce the burden of having to eat all of the strawberries immediately!


So, we had two boxes of strawberries from the grocery store that I cored and then cut if needed.


This was not a particularly difficult task, just a bit time consuming. I think I had started listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again while I did this. I love the beginning of that book where Narcissa is asking Severus for help … so moving!

I bagged the strawberries into what I thought were equal portions and then moved onto the bananas! ~~





Preparing the bananas went by a lot faster than the strawberries!



We didn’t add anything else to the bags before freezing. I did try to get as much air out as I could though to help reduce the chance of freezer burn.


When we pulled them out of the freezer to use, we got little bags like this! We then added sugar and water to make the smoothie!



The two things I learned from this experiment were that A. I need something other than a Magic Bullet for a blender and B. I should have cut the strawberries and bananas smaller!

But, the result is what we were going for!


I think we still have two more smoothie bags in the freezer. I think this was mostly a success with room for improvement but here ya go … a homemade strawberry and banana smoothie =)

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